Joyful Life Coaching Packages
Let’s meet one another! During this call we will begin to get to know one another! We will explore what your specific coaching needs and desires are, and how I can best support you. As with all coaching sessions, this call is completely confidential.
Most of my coaching sessions are 60 minutes, but here we have a luxurious 90 minutes to work together! Come to this session with an intention, something you would like to work with. As always, you can expect my full presence and undivided attention. We will work creatively with the heart of your intention.
Self love and self care are the keys to self actualization! With this coaching package we hold ourselves in deepest respect and tenderness. We gently explore our current style of self care. We give thanks for all the ways that we are already taking care of ourselves. We own up to which strategies may be less than constructive. We vision possibility.
You know it! Its time to make some changes! Maybe you’ve gotten a little stressed out. And now some of your coping habits are no longer serving you. Its okay. It happens to everybody. Awareness is the first step. Awareness heals. And from this place of awareness we can make choices; choices born of our intention. So what is your intention? How do you want to feel?
Motherhood. How sacred and beautiful and sometimes… so.. exhaustingly impossibly difficult. In this coaching package we will celebrate your new role! We will explore how you can integrate self care into your new reality! We will question and explore what it means to be a parent. Undoubtedly there are some things about how you were raised that you would like to change. We can talk about it all.
In this coaching package you will learn about the chakras! We will explore the unique themes of each of these seven major energy centers along your spine! What is your relationship to each theme? Where can we bring healing? What are the lessons and opportunities for growth and transformation?
Let’s look at the Big Picture! Let’s take a step back and be with all that your life currently holds. That’s a lot. We will be with what is without judgement, shame or blame. And then you get permission to dream! It’s gonna be fun! Maybe a little edgy?! Once you begin to dream some of your limiting beliefs are going to make themselves known.
You know best what is most important to you. You take the lead in your personal growth, healing and transformation! I am here to support you, explore with you, and be your accountability buddy.
What would be possible for you if you had steady loving support for a year?! Miracles, my friend. Beautiful miracles. Miracles are inevitable when we align with our hearts and move towards our joy!