Detox, De-Stress, Redirect, Rewire

You know it! Its time to make some changes! Maybe you’ve gotten a little stressed out. And now some of your coping habits are no longer serving you. Its okay. It happens to everybody. Awareness is the first step. Awareness heals. And from this place of awareness we can make choices; choices born of our intention. So what is your intention? How do you want to feel? In this coaching package we will take an honest and courageous look at what patterns and habits are no longer serving you, including habits of mind/patterns of thinking. We will explore to see if there is a need in you that is getting met by this pattern, and experiment with alternative ways of getting that need met! We can redirect our energy. We can rewire our brains! We will joyfully compost toxic habits and choose deeply nurturing and nourishing routines instead!

2 months ~ $850
7 coaching sessions within 2 months + unlimited email support

3 months ~$1200
10 coaching sessions within 3 months + unlimited email support.