The Joyful Tree of Life!
As above, so below. As within, so without.
The symbolism of the Joyful LIfe Coaching tree of life.
Imagine you are a tree. A beautiful tree!
Your branches and leaves are how you show up in the world. Not only how you express yourself and give your energy to life, but also how people receive and perceive you.
Your roots and soil are your thoughts, your emotions, your beliefs, your history. As we make changes in the roots and soil; bio-remediating a limiting belief, adding nutrients to the soil in the forms of self love and self care; we will witness this wondrous tree blossom and grow!
You notice the heart in the center! Yes! Heart-centered. May we be guided, nourished and supported by the wisdom of our hearts. May we use our clever intellect in service to the mighty and humble wisdom of our hearts.
This is a young tree, full of energy, full of life. Ready to blossom and grow! We don’t need to be young in years to relate to the image! No, it speaks more to the place of optimism within each of us. That green growing place. A space of hope and the sacred. It is our responsibility to nurture and protect this space within each of us. Sometimes it comes so naturally and easily, like when we are in a state of delight or awe. And sometimes it’s a practice, a commitment, for in everyone’s life there is pain. Indeed life is a beautiful struggle!
You may notice in the image a sense of liveliness and of being deeply rooted. Yes! To be connected to source, to the infinite~ and have that energy run through us in our unique expression~ that is aliveness! The roots are symbolic of being deeply connected to the Earth as well as deeply connected to source and connected to the ancestors. You will notice the double helix that surrounds the image. Here is a representation of DNA, polarity, feminine and masculine, yin and yang. This speaks to our experience on Earth, as humans, with our ancestral inheritance, in a material world. And also to spiraling, moving through time, evolving.
Some of the transformational work we do in coaching goes beyond our personal experience and into our family lineage. Sometimes the buck stops with you! And you have the privilege and opportunity to transform a family pattern. What a blessing!
The circle speaks to oneness. The whole. The place from which we emerge and to which we return. Outside of time. All connected. A circle has no break and holds that which cannot be broken, it represents the infinite nature of energy. The circle is symbolic of equality, where no one person is more important than another. And the circle speaks to the cyclical nature of being, where we move, in our hero’s journey through life, from intention to preparation to action to follow through to integration over and over again.
As I was conceiving of this Joyful Tree of Life image I was thinking of the saying: ‘As above so below, as within so without.’ As a tree you can’t have a vibrant healthy canopy without adequate nutrients in the soil. As a human being you can’t have a thriving life without a loving inner world. As within, so without. Through the process of coaching we will explore what it would look like and feel like to be thriving. And then we’ll begin to take steps towards creating this. Our inner ecology is an essential ally in creating outward expressions of that which we desire. The power is within you! And I am here to support you in tapping into this power!